Couples Counseling

Couples are able to  learn more about their experiences and identities as individuals and the ways in which that history and its related imprints are now informing how they hide or show up in their current relationships. I work with couples who are looking to make a decision about their relationship as well as those in a deeply positive or negative space with their relationship. How and when did you learn what your role in a relationship is or should be? How do you create closeness and mystery?  How do you engage in play with yourself and together? What are the said and unsaid things in this relationship? What are the fantasies and the taboos in this relationship? In what ways does this relationship hold tensions and joys that come from your family or past romantic relationships? In what ways do you respond, react, or neglect your partner that share similarities to your own childhood or past romantic relationships?   We will harness the responses to these and other questions to make a relationship that feel safe for you and for your partner.


45-50 minutes of couples counseling is $185.00


Individual Counseling